Abstract Submissions
The 2025 International Health Promoting Campuses (IHPC) Conference invites submissions that align with the conference overarching theme: “A decade since the Okanagan Charter… Where from, what next, where to?” and two emerging themes: sustainability and egalitarianism within health-promoting campuses. While these themes are highlighted, we welcome submissions related to all healthy campus activity.
Key dates
UPDATED WORKSHOP/SYMPOSIA SUBMISSION DATE: The submission deadline for Symposium/Workshop abstracts is 17th December 2024 at 23.00 Irish Standard Time. Submitting authors will be informed about the status of their submission by 7th February 2025 (ADDITIONAL REVISED DATE).
The submission deadline for Oral/Poster abstracts is 3rd February 2025 by 23.00 Irish Standard Time (Extended). Submitting authors will be informed about the status of their submission by 17th March 2025.
Registration fees of the presenting author(s) must be paid by 31st March 2025 to secure your contribution during the conference and publication in the Book of Abstracts.
Proposals/abstracts received after closing of the abstract system will not be accepted.
All submissions need to use the on-line forms. You will receive an automatic email confirmation of receipt.
All submissions for will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.
Submitting a proposal/abstract does not mean you are registered for the 2025 IHPC Conference. Conference registration is a separate process that is required for all presenters.
Format options
Oral/Poster presentation (12 minute talk with 3 minutes for questions OR 3 minutes Flash Talk with 2 minutes for questions
Poster only presentation
Workshop (30minutes, 45 minutes or 90 minutes)
Symposium (85 minutes)
Type of contribution
Two types of contribution are welcome:
We appreciate that presentations may draw on both research, and policy and practice. However, we ask contributors for Oral/Posters and Symposia to specify whether their submission is primarily:
• Research based OR
• Policy and practice based
Conference themes/Health Focus
Please select one theme, one Health Focused Area and one Population Group during the submission process.​
Conference Themes:
Leadership, Strategy and Governance
Campus Environment (Facilities, Services and Built and Natural Environment)
Campus Culture and Communications
Egalitarian Universities - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Personal and Professional Development
Teaching, Education, Higher Education Environment/Classroom Wellbeing
Research (HPU is a focusing on health promotion research; evaluation of practices)
Partnerships and Collaborations
And one area from the Health Focused/Population Group below:
Health Focused Areas (from a settings-based approach):
Physical Activity
Food, Nutrition and Diet (e.g. Healthy Eating, Sustainable Food Procurement, Food Security)
Active and Green Travel
Mental Health
Positive Relationships/ Social & Community Connectedness
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Sexual and Relationship Violence
Alcohol Use
Illicit Drug Use/Substance Misuse
Tobacco Use and Vaping
Climate Change
Built & Natural Environments
Health Equity
Population Group:
Staff (includes faculty members)
Wider Community
Indigenous Peoples
​For authors
All proposals/abstracts must be submitted and, if accepted, presented in English.
Documents should be uploaded in either .doc or .docx versions of Word. Any other format uploaded will be rejected and excluded from the review process.
Titles should be in lower case, except the first word and countries. Do not use capital letters only and avoid using abbreviations or acronyms. Give geographic location and dates (that research was conducted/work carried out) if applicable.
Authors and co-authors:
Please follow the instructions carefully on the home page of the abstract submission portal and make sure that the title, first name, last name, institution/affiliation, town and country are completed. Please make sure that you use the English version of the institute, town and country. Spell out the full name of the institution and do not use abbreviations such as ‘Univ.’ for ‘University’.
Assessment procedure:
All submitted proposals/ abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the International IHPCC Scientific Committee consisting of experts from different countries. The International Scientific Committee will use a double anonymous system for scoring (authors of the abstract are not known to the International Scientific Committee and the International Scientific Committee members are not known to the authors of the abstract).
Please select the submission link at the bottom of the information below that applies to your particular submission. There are three separate submission links, one for Oral Presentations, one for Symposia and one for Workshops:
Oral/Poster presentations – Research OR Policy and Practice - submit your abstract at this link: SUBMISSIONS NOW CLOSED FOR ORAL/POSTERS
Symposia - Research OR Policy and Practice - submit your abstract at this link: SUBMISSIONS NOW CLOSED FOR SYMPOSIA
Workshops - submit your abstract at this link: SUBMISSIONS NOW CLOSED FOR WORKSHOPS
Your abstract document should contain only the paper title (NO author references) and the four or five areas requested in the outlines below. All other information (such as authors, biographies, themes etc.), will be captured in fields within the abstract submission portal, and are NOT to be included in your abstract upload document. Template links for abstract documents are given below.
Oral/Poster presentations – Research (Submissions now closed)
The title of the abstract should not exceed 25 words and the main text should not exceed 350 words. If you exceed the word limit, the system will not accept the abstract. Abstract titles should be in lower case, except the first word and countries. Do not use capital letters only and avoid using abbreviations or acronyms. Give geographic location and dates if applicable.
Authors and co-authors:
Please follow the instructions carefully and make sure that initials, last name, department, institution, town and country are completed. Please make sure that you use the English version of the institute, town and country. Spell out the full name of the institution and do not use abbreviations such as ‘Univ.’ for ‘University’.
Please make sure that the presenting author is also listed under authors.
Please ensure that for Oral presentations - Research, the four areas below are included in your abstract upload document. Please use the template HERE to submit your abstract.
Background: Address the scientific background and rationale for the study as well as the significance of the subject in relation to Health Promoting Campus. Explain why your study is important and include clear research aims/objectives.
Methods: Describe the study design, setting (such as campus, community, accommodation etc), study participants, analytic and/or intervention techniques and outcome measures.
Results: Present the major quantitative and qualitative findings, including confidence intervals or levels of significance of statistical tests, as appropriate. Although negative as well as positive results may be of interest, report only those results that relate to your conclusion. Since an abstract may be cited, this section must contain data rather than a statement like “Data will be discussed”. If appropriate, state that the results are preliminary.
Conclusions: State only those conclusions that are directly supported by data. Report on potential actions that are recommended and/or have been implemented as a consequence of the study.
Oral/poster presentations – policy and practice (Submissions now closed)
The title of the abstract should not exceed 25 words and the main text should not exceed 350 words. If you exceed the word limit, the system will not accept the abstract. Abstract titles should be in lower case, except the first word and countries. Do not use capital letters only and avoid using abbreviations or acronyms. Give geographic location and dates if applicable.
Authors and co-authors:
Please follow the instructions carefully and make sure that initials, last name, department, institution, town and country are completed. Please make sure that you use the English version of the institute, town and country. Spell out the full name of the institution and do not use abbreviations such as ‘Univ.’ for ‘University’.
Please make sure that the presenting author is also listed under authors.
Please ensure that for Oral presentations - Policy/Practice, the five areas below are included in your abstract upload document. Please use the template HERE to submit your abstract.
Issue/problem: Describe the issue/problem that was addressed by the policy or Health Promoting Campus initiative or intervention. Include the background and settings of the issue/problem as well as the significance of the subject. Explain why your initiative/policy/intervention is important and useful for other settings / countries.
Description of the problem: This should be a clear and critical description including time frame, objectives and methods used. The policy or practice should be innovative and relevant for other countries/settings. List the questions you want to be answered by the project.
Results (effects/changes): Present the results (effects/changes) from the policy or intervention, taking into account that the questions you asked are properly answered. Although negative as well as positive lessons learnt may be of interest, report only those lessons that relate to your policy/initiative or intervention. Since an abstract may be cited, this section must contain data rather than a statement like “Results will be presented at the conference”. If appropriate, state that the results are preliminary.
Lessons: State only those lessons learned that are directly supported by the project/intervention/policy/initiative etc. Report on the actions that are recommended and/or have been implemented as a consequence of the policy or practice etc. Highlight the importance of the lessons learned for other settings/countries. Describe the ways in which the actions were innovative.
Main messages: Write two short messages (200 characters maximum) which summarise the main impact of your work.
For the oral (and any designated poster) presentations, the first author is considered as the presenting author and is responsible for delivering either the oral or poster presentation if the abstract is accepted. If the presenting author is unable to attend the IHPC Conference, a substitute presenter may take the presenting author’s place. The presenting author must inform the IHPC Conference Office at adminihpc@ul.ie
Symposia (Research OR Policy/Practice) (Submissions now closed)
Symposia should be prepared as a focused session in which speakers present on a common theme, issue or question of particular relevance within the conference tracks as outlined.
Symposium submission process
Please ensure that for Symposium submissions that the four areas below are included in your abstract upload document.
Applications need to have the following information on hand to complete the online submission process:
• Symposium title (limited to 25 words)
• Symposium goals and abstract (limited to 450 words) State the primary purpose of the presentation. This document should include 3 to 5 individual abstracts (Each Abstract title – limited to 25 words; Abstract authors; Abstract text – limited to 350 words) following the general abstract structure depending on the type of abstract (research or policy and practice).
• Chair, discussant and presenters contact information (First, last name; title; organisation title and address; country; e-mail; phone number)
• Brief Bio for Symposium Organiser/Chair in context to symposia submission (250 words)
• Each abstract shall be included in the main symposium upload document and uploaded using the official abstract template provided.
Suggested symposium structure
• Introduction – chairperson provides a brief introduction to the session
• Presentations – 3 to 5 individual presentations
• Q&A – questions from the audience,
• Conclusion – concluding remarks by a discussant.
It is strongly encouraged that speakers closely collaborate in order to provide new and non-overlapping presentations.
Time available for each symposium is 85 minutes, to include time for questions.
All organisers will be informed about the acceptance of their Symposium submission by 7th February 2025 (Revised date). For the accepted symposia, all individual abstracts as well as the symposium abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts. The registration fee of the symposium organiser, the discussant and all speakers must be paid by 31st March 2025 at the latest to secure the presentation.
Please note that if your abstract is included in a symposium proposal, it should NOT be submitted as a single oral/poster or workshop abstract. However, if the symposium is rejected for inclusion in the conference, and only after you have received official confirmation of same from your Symposium submitter, you may submit your single abstract under the Oral/Poster abstract link above, for consideration of the oral presentation reviewers.
Workshop Submission process (Submissions now closed)
Each workshop organiser needs to gather all required information before starting the submission process.
Applications need to have the following information on hand to complete the online submission process:
Please ensure that for Symposium submissions that the six areas below are included in your abstract upload document.
Brief Bio for Workshop Organiser/Facilitator in context to workshop submission (250 words)
Session Description – Please explain the topic(s)/workshop you would like to present and its significance in relation to Health Promoting Campus (max 150 words)
Aims and objectives of session. What would you like participants to take away from this session? (Max 100 words)
Participant Engagement Approach – Please explain how you will make your session interactive and the ways in which the audience can participate (Max 100 words)
Session format/structure - Please describe how you wish to structure your session. (Max 100 words)
Logistics and Special Considerations – Is there a maximum number of participants that can take attend/take part in the workshop? Are there any special room or set-up considerations we should be aware of? Do you have any accessibility needs that we can assist with? (Max 75 words)
Abstract Notifications:
The submitter will be notified of the acceptance of the Workshop/Symposia abstract(s) by 7th February 2025 in the case of a Workshop or Symposium submission, or by 17th March 2025 in the case of an Oral/Poster submission. The results will also be available through the submitter account.
Further instructions for authors whose abstracts are accepted for symposium, oral or poster presentations will posted on the IHPC Conference website in due course.
Changes in presenting author
For the oral and poster presentations, the first author is considered as the presenting author and is responsible for delivering either the oral or poster presentation if the abstract is accepted. If the presenting author is unable to attend the IHPC Conference, a substitute presenter may take the presenting author’s place. The presenting author must inform the IHPC Conference Office at adminIHPC@ul.ie
By submitting your work, you agree to the following Terms & Conditions outlined below:
1) IHPCC 2025 is an in person conference, unless force majeure applies. To submit an abstract, you must be able to travel to Ireland and participate in this event.
2) If your abstract is accepted, it will be included in conference programme and in the book of abstracts, ONLY if the relevant registration fee is paid by 31st March 2025.
3) We cannot necessarily take into account preferred presentation timings. Please organise your travel dates/times appropriately.
4) Your abstract (if accepted), name and the names of any supplied co-authors and your affiliations will be made available to other registrants of IHPCC 2025, and any relevant bodies associated to this event and included in the event's Book of Abstracts.
5) The submission portal is operated on behalf of IHPCC 2025 by UL Events (Plassey Trust Company CLG). UL Events will process your personal data in line with GDPR best practice and will not share your data with any unnecessary third parties not linked with this event.